

Research and teaching work at the Department of Architectural Representation focuses on the fields of visual analysis, architectural drawing, architectural representation and descriptive geometry at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), the Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV) and the Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB), of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech.

The Department of Architectural Representation, created in 2017 from the former chairs of Architectural Graphic Expression I and Architectural Graphic Expression II, teaches in the areas of visual analysis, architectural drawing, architectural representation and descriptive geometry, commissioned by the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), the Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV) and the Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB). It also develops research activities, mainly through the research groups' "The expression of the architectural project. Analysis and evolution "(EDPA) and "Modeling and Visual Simulation in Architecture"(MSVA), that participate in the Doctoral Program in Architectural, Civil and Urban Heritage and Refurbishment of Existing Buildings.



'Plaça de la Generalitat'. GAME4CITY 3.0. Department of Architectural Representation (2018).
[Coordinator: Redondo, E.]

For further teaching experiences in gamification of urban spaces: 'GAME4CITY 3.0'.