Continuous education
The Departament participates in various professional continuing education programs:
- Face-to-face Master course Architecture and the Environment: Integration of Renewable Energy in Architecture (480 hours - 60ECTS)
- Face-to-face Master course Parametric Design in Architecture (388 hours - 60ECTS)
- Semi-distance Master course Sistemes de Información Geográfica (404 hores lectives - 60ECTS)
- Face-to-face Postgraduate course Aplicaciones Mediambientales del SIG (110 hores lectives - 16ECTS)
- Face-to-face Postgraduate course Aplicaciones Territoriales del SIG (135 hores lectives - 19ECTS)
- Face-to-face Postgraduate course en Modelado y Análisis BIM para Obra Civil (117 hores lectives - 20ECTS)
- Face-to-face Lifelong Learning course SIG Anàlisi Urbà: Dades Urbanes i Big Data (79 hores lectives - 10ECTS)
- Face-to-face Lifelong Learning course SIG Estudis Mediambientals (56 hores lectives - 7ECTS)
- Face-to-face Lifelong Learning course SIG Open Data i Territori (60 hores lectives - 9ECTS)
Until the 2009-2010 a Master course was delivered in 3D Architecture Design and Simulation - Máster en Diseño 3D y Simulación en Arquitectura - 12th edition (Director: JAVIER MONEDERO ISORNA).
Other programmes that the Department participated but are not currently thaught are the following:
- Face-to-face Postgraduate course Digital Design and 3D Fabrication (189 hours - 27ECTS)
- Master Laboratori de l'habitatge del segle XXI - Lab Master Property of the XXI century (508 hours - 60 ECTS) (
- Lifelong learning course Barcelona, Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism (70 hours - 7 credits)
More information: FUNDACIÓ POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA - FPC, 22@ Barcelona, C/ de Badajoz 73-77, 08005 Barcelona, Teléfono: (34) 93 112 08 35 / 93 112 08 08, Fax: (34) 93 112 09 01.