
Conferencia de Christoph Gengnagel: Shaping Forces: New Digital Workflows, Tools and Frameworks to Generate Physical Human Space


La conferencia tindrà lloc el 29/04/2019 a les 19:00h en el Tech Talent Center, de la mà del catedràtic Christoph Gengnagel.

El proper dilluns 29 d’Abril, a les 19:00h, tindrà lloc al Tech Talent Center (c/Badajoz 73, Barcelona) l'Open Talent: "Shaping Forces: New Digital Workflows, Tools and Frameworks to Generate Physical Human Space", a càrrec de Christoph Gengnagel, expert en prototipatge digital en arquitectura i enginyeria i catedràtic a la Universität der Künste Berlin. La conferencia es farà en anglès.

"Spatial Design is a fundamental practice in humans’ shaping of the material world. As a cultural technique, it is a key activity in the design-based disciplines, in the arts, and in engineering. The digital revolution has enabled not only new representations of spatial design (of products, installations, buildings, cities, landscapes), but also new strategies that employ computational support throughout the design process and introduce radically different modalities of interaction. The lecture will discuss the current state of the art in structural and architectural design. First concepts and studies for a new performative oriented holistic approach of spatial design will be presented as well.

This conference will be held IN ENGLISH.

The speaker

Christoph Gengnagel is Professor for Design and Structural Engineering at the Universität der Künste Berlin. His research focuses on digital and physical prototyping in architecture and engineering, computational design and new material systems. Gengnagel studied construction engineering and architecture at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Technische Universität München. He holds a PhD from Technische Universität München and was formerly a structural engineer at DYWIDAG München, Barthel & Maus and a.ka. Ingenieure. He is also a consulting partner of the engineering firm Bollinger + Grohmann and has held academic positions at Technische Universität München and the Royal Academy of the Arts Copenhagen." 


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