
Technical Drawing - ETSAV

Technical Drawing

Isabel Crespo Cabillo (Coordinator)
Genís Àvila Casademont
Gerard Bertomeu Farnos
Miriam Cabanas Ballbe
Nuria García Soto


From the beginning to the end, the method goes through the active involvement of the student. To draw can't be learned if it isn't by drawing; therefore, in classes what they do it's to draw and, with the exception of the last part of the course's assignments and those exercises that the students themselves realises that they have to repeat or complete on their own, the drawing work it is done exclusively in the class's periods of time, which are when the teacher can influence and guide the path to follow.

On the contrary, the needed previous preparation, both in terms of theoretical concepts and knowledge of drawing tools, it is done by the students themselves on their own and off the clock, working on the material that, day-to-day, the teachers upload in the virtual campus ATENEA. Beyond some short introductory orientations to the daily exercises, there are no passive theoretical classes. It is each student who decides when and with which dedication prepares the next class, in the understanding that this preparation is indispensable to face the class's exercises.

In each class, the students, with their laptops, work in the classroom the exercises of that session, requiring the teacher's support and orientation in everything that makes reference to the specific objectives of the exercise. Meaning that the teachers don't attend questions about issues that had been clearly exposed in the educational material of previous preparation.

At the end, each student upload the archives of their work in ATENEA and, before the beginning of the next class, receives, by the same procedure, the teacher's correction. With that, the teacher can make a properly tracking and the student is permanently informed of which is its own learning process evolution.



  • Introduction to the drawing's computer based tools.
  • Architecture's technical drawing with expressive and communicative values, with handmade and computer based techniques: graphic narration.
  • Geometrical sketch of shades and expressive treatment of shading. 
  • Contours and fulls, hierarchy, line values, hatches. Dihedrial depth.
  • Plan control, dimensional system and terrain representation. 
  • Geometrical knowledge of constructive surfaces.
  • To use the suitable technical vocabulary and the the most usual graphic standards: format, titles, footnotes, keys...  
  • To know to compile graphic material in an organised document.



Technical, expressive and communicative drawing of architecture. 
Knowledge of the dimensional system, plan control and terrain representation. 
Graphic control of polyhedral geometry forms. 
Sketch and treatment of shades as a tool of reading and expression of the form.
Technical drawing of architecture with expressive and communicative values with handmade and computer-based techniques: initiation of the graphic narrative.


Specific objectives:

  1. Agile, rigorous and conceptually organised control of sketches characteristic of the technical drawing.
  2. Use of computer-based tools for the project representation, stratification and information management, exploitation of a digital tool resources and agile control of the printing quality.
  3. Geometrical analysis of constructive forms with polyhedral character, applied to properly positions control for its definition and the resolution of intersection cases. 
  4. Geometrical study of shades in dihedral projections and axonometries of architectural forms. 
  5. Technical representation and communicative valuation of the architectural project from conventional, orthogonal and axonometric representations. Use of the line values, tones, solar shades, colour and other graphic resources, to transmit the formal qualities of the project and suggest its three-dimensional character.
  6. Making of a dossier that compiles the worked drawings, building up the successive revisions and corrections originated in the learning process of the student. 

Basic bibliography

Evans, Robin. Translations from drawing to building and other essays. London: Architectural Association, cop. 1997. ISBN 187089068X.

Llinàs Carmona, Josep; Font Comas, Joan; Crespo, Isabel; Martínez Mindeguía, Francisco. Els Dibuixos de Josep Llinàs. [Sant Cugat del Vallès]: Centre d'Aplicacions Informàtiques a la representació de l'Arquitectura i el Territori CAIRAT : Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura del Vallès, DL 2004. ISBN 8460801489.

Blau, Eve; Kaufman, Edward; Evans, Robin. Architecture and its image : four centuries of architectural representation: works from the collection of the Canadia Centre for Architecture. Montreal: Centre Canadien d'Architecture/Canadian Centre of Architecture, 1989. ISBN 0262022893.

Schmidt, Rudolf. Geometría descriptiva con figuras estereoscópicas. Barcelona: Reverté, 1983. ISBN 8429151354.

Font Comas, Joan; Crespo, Isabel; Martínez Mindeguía, Francisco. El Dibuix i la imatge del projecte: l'obra gràfica de 4 equips d'arquitectes romans. Sant Cugat del Vallès: Centre d'Aplicacions Informàtiques a la representació de l'Arquitectura i el Territori CAIRAT : Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura del Vallès, DL 2006. ISBN 846080545X.

Sáinz Avia, Jorge. El Dibujo de arquitectura: teoría e historia de un lenguage gráfico. Madrid: Nerea, 1990. ISBN 8486763320.

Gheorghiu, Adrian; Dragomir, Virgil. Geometry of structural forms. London [etc.]: Applied Science Publishers, cop. 1978. ISBN 0853346836.

San José Alonso, Jesús Ignacio. El Dibujo arquitectónico : apuntes sobre su desarrollo. Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad de Valladolid : Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Valladolid, 1997. ISBN 8477627614.

Sánchez Gallego, Juan Antonio. Geometría descriptiva [Recurs electrònic]: sistemas de proyección cilíndrica [en línia]. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1997 [Consulta: 29/11/2016]. Disponible a: <>. ISBN 9788498803815.

Sánchez Gallego, Juan Antonio; Villanueva Bartrina, Lluís. Temes clau de dibuix tècnic. Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, DL 1991. ISBN 8476531192.

Robbins, Edward; Cullinan, Edward. Why architects draw. Cambridge: MIT Press, cop. 1994. ISBN 0262181576.

Sáinz Avia, Jorge; Valderrama, Fernando. Infografía y arquitectura: dibujo y proyecto asistidos por ordenador. Madrid: Nerea, cop. 1992. ISBN 8486763681.

Villanueva Bartrina, Lluís. Introducció al traçat d'ombres: representacions dièdrica i axonomètrica. Barcelona: Departament d'Expressió Gràfica Arquitectònica I. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, cop. 2001. ISBN 8495249111.