
Projects II - EPSEB

Projects II

Francisco Javier García Rodríguez (Coordinator)
Jesús Esquinas Dessy
Albert Sánchez Riera

The development of the course is planned in three Blocks. At the beginning of the course there will be done a theoretical class where the functioning of the course is explained, the competences are planned, the objectives fixed and the work groups are made depending on the number of students and professors assigned with a maximum of 5/6 students for group and 5 groups for each professor.

At the beginning of each block there will be done a theoretical class (big group) where the professor does a brief exposition to introduce the general learning objectives related with the basic concepts of the topics of each Block and explains the general paths of the practical work which the students will develop during the tutorial sessions (Directed Activity).

There will be a minimum of two practical sessions for each group, where the students will work in groups the proposed topic by the tutorial of the assigned professor. Each practical session will start with a graphic exercise that the student must develop, during 20', individually and in writing a construction detail from a wording given at class. Subsequently and during 20' there will be presented in the class platform and in groups, some of the files which the students must upload previously to this sessions in Atenea with a part of the work that they must bring to class, sharing and solving the doubts together, professors and students, and trying to facilitate the correction with each group. At the end of each practical session there will be given an Accord of the activity developed.

In each practical session as an autonomous learning, each member of the group will develop a task assigned by the group. At the end of each Block there will be done the oral exposition of the work, arguing the chosen solutions and giving the work to the professor so that he/she can evaluate it. Also in this last session there will be done an individual written exam, in test type or similar, where the learning degree of each one of the Block contents will be evaluated.

The subject has an eminently graphic aspect and normally the students will develop it by systems of assisted drawing with computer. This implies that a big part of the work will be done out of class and the class hours will be used for treating the contents, propose solutions and exchange data between the group members advised by the professor. Each professor has assigned a tutorial schedule out of class for attending the questions of his/her work groups.

All the documentation which the professor gives to the student will be done by ATENEA.



In this content the students work from the technical project field:
  • The structural replacement of a structural element for other, normally metallic, which oblige to a thorough knowledge of how is built the building and how its structure and foundations work.
  • The construction process must be correctly planned, also the materials and the means.
In this content the students work from the technical project field:
  • The planning of the outline of the facilities in a building from the execution level. There will be studied the necessary spaces which must be foreseen for the ventilation, sanitation, waste treatment, solar collectors, gas, electricity, telecommunications, plumbing, etc. according to the requirements of the current regulations.
In this content the students work from the technical project field:
  • The building skin, there will be done the construction and detail analysis of the different façade and roof typologies more used currently, studying its execution and analyzing its suitability to the environment so that we can save natural resources.


Basic bibliography

Espasandín López, J. ; García Casas, J.I. Manual para el diseño, cálculo y construcción de apeos y refuerzos alternativos. Ed, Munilla-Lería, 2002.

Allen, E. Como funciona un edificio: principios elementales. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1982. ISBN 8425210895.

Paricio Ansuategui, Ignacio. La Fachada de ladrillo. 3a ed. Zaragoza: Ed. Bisagra, 2000.

Espanya. Código Técnico de la Edificación. 2a ed. Madrid: Ministerio de Vivienda : Boletín Oficial del Estado, 2008.

Tectonica. Vols. 1, 2 , 6, 8, 10, 15 y 16. Madrid: ATC Ediciones, 1996-.


Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme: publicació del Col·legi Oficial d'Arquitectes de Catalunya. Barcelona: Col·legi Oficial d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, 1981-.

Baud, G.. Tecnología de la construcción. Barcelona: Blume, 1994.

Labastida i Azemar, F. ... [et al.]. Recomanacions IE-86: per al disseny i l'execució d'instal·lacions de serveis als edificis: aigua, gas, electricitat i telefonia. Barcelona: ITEC, 1986.

Especificacions tècniques per a instal·lacions elèctriques interiors d'habitatges. Barcelona: ENHER, 1983.

Schaarwächter, Georg. Perspectiva para arquitectos. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1990.

Aliotti, E. ... [et al.]. Facciate continue: una monografia. Milano: Tecnomedia, 1990.