
Drawing - ETSAV


Guillem Bosch Folch (Coordinator)
Miriam Cabanas Ballbe
Sandra Moliner Nuño


The unifying thread is developed by practice exercises that are solved some in classes, and others at home. The objective and conditions of the fulfilment of each exercise is established in a statement that complements with theoretical sessions that are developed in class (all this material will be deposit in ATENEA Digital Campus for its search).

The proposal for each exercise is made by giving special importance to two inherent aspects to the drawing function: on one hand, to encourage the students's creativity, on the other hand, to give an answer to the demand of being rigorous with the manner of graphically communicate the proposed solution, and thorough the manual execution.

By the end of the course, the students must demonstrate that they have acquired the competences and abilities that make them able to continue the learning. Also they must demonstrate a pro-active attitude in their learning. The contents of the course, exercises and theoretical classes are disposed in a specific order, established to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge on the student behalf. For this reason, it is important to follow the rate of the course, assist to all the classes, and do all the proposed exercises.



  • To contribute the practice of freehand sketches drawing, applied in the reading drawing and conception drawing. 
  • To introduce the spatial and architecture technical representation conventions. Dihedral. Axonometry. Conical.  
  • Graphical resources of depth communication. Position, distance, hierarchy. Use of line and tone values. 
  • To introduce the basic compositive concepts. Balance, figure and text.
  • Appropriate use of drawing. Formats, labeling, dimensions. 
  • To use the appropriate technical vocabulary. 
  • To learn to respond adequately when questions would be drawn up to them in an oral or written presentation. 
  • To learn to organise themselves to do the work in a period of time established by the professor. 



Introduce the students in the architectural graphic language, starting them into strategies, conventions and techniques of perception, conception, representation and expression of forms and spaces. 

Specific objectives:
1. To learn and watch. Perception, interpretation and representation. 
2. To learn and communicate. Graphic strategies and conventions.
3. To learn and imagine. Conception processes and techniques


Basic bibliography

Ching, Frank; Juroszek, Steven P; Castán, Santiago. Dibujo y proyecto. México [D.F.] ; Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, cop. 1999. ISBN 9688873659.

Albers, Josef. La Interacción del color. Madrid: Alianza, 1979. ISBN 8420670014.

Munari, Bruno. Diseño y comunicación visual : contribución a una metodología didáctica. Barcelona [etc.]: Gili, 1985. ISBN 8425212030.

Itten, Johannes. Art de la couleur. Paris: Dessain et Tolra, [1981]. ISBN 2249250146.

Kanizsa, Gaetano. Gramática de la visión : percepción y pensamiento. Barcelona [etc.]: Paidós, 1986. ISBN 9788475094229.

Nicolaïdes, Kimon. The Natural way to draw : a working plan for art study. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [1969?]. ISBN 0395530075.

Edwards, Betty. Aprender a dibujar : un método garantizado. [Madrid]: Hermann Blume, [1984]. ISBN 8472142876.

Arnheim, Rudolf. Arte y percepción visual : psicología del arte creador : nueva versión. Madrid: Alianza, 1979. ISBN 8420670030.