
Architectural Representation III - ETSAB

Architectural Representation III

Ernest Redondo Domínguez (Coordinator)
Francisco Javier González Pérez
Pau Majó Codina
Anna Mañosa Tarruella
Albert Sánchez Riera
Héctor Zapata Cebrián



  • Aptitude to value and represent properly the visual attributes of architectural and urban elements, and to apply critically concepts characteristic of the theory of form and the visual perception in urban space representation.
  • Correct knowledge of the systems and techniques of materials and lighting visual simulation applied to architecture and urbanism.
  • Capacity to organise, manage, and share data by the use of computer-based resources.
  • Capacity to apply the acquired knowledge in previous courses of everything related to drawing, geometric modelling and basic techniques for digital models organisation.
  • Capacity to increase knowledge by self-sufficient learning, discussion, and search of external resources.



1. Basi concepts of digital image theory. Techniques of catchment, manipulation and management of digital images.

2. Revision of geometric modelling and parametric design basic techniques.

3. Basic techniques of materials visual simulation.

4. Basic techniques of lighting visual simulation.

5. Creation, modification and management of urban models with a medium complexity.

6. Generation of high quality images from urbans models.

7. Introduction to animation, multimedia presentation and interactive stages creation.


Basic bibliography

Cullen, Gordon. Townscape. Londres: Architectural Press, 1961.

Kalay, Yehuda E. Architecture's new media : principles, theories, and methods of computer-aided design. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2004. ISBN 0262112841.

Monedero, Javier. Aplicaciones informáticas en arquitectura. Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 1999. ISBN 8483013282.

Monedero, Javier; Redondo, Ernest; Vila, Jorge (eds). Aplicaciones informáticas y simulación visual 2002-2007. Barcelona: ETSAB, 2007. ISBN 9788460806349.

Monedero, J. Simulación visual de la iluminación: teoría, técnicas, análisis de casos [en línia]. Barcelona: Iniciativa Digital Politécnica, 2015Disponible a: <>. ISBN 978-84-9880-545-1.

