
Architectural Representation I - ETSAV

Architectural Representation I

Antonio Millán Gómez (Coordinator)
Guillem Bosch Folch
Cira López Miró



  • To know the elements of conical perspective, control the perceptive distortions and make photomontages, with geometrical rigour and solvency of line and tone values. 
  • To evaluate the fields in landscape representation (forefront, medium and background), treating the depth values.
  • To have basic notions of images treatment, and begin to represent the natural environment and construction materials. 



To handle with geometrical rigour when producing conical perspectives and its application at a quick sketch.
Specific objectives:
  1. Concept of architectural representation; its types and relations with lineal perspective geometry. Visual perspective, surface of representation and retinal image. 
  2. Conical perspective elements. Conical projections. 
  3. Vertical plane perspective. Frontal perspectives. Vanishing, proportionality, straight limit concepts.
  4. Angles perspectives. Legit construction. Predictions (size, frame, visual control). Effectiveness with sloping elements and inaccessible vanishings. Distance and metric points applied at perspective. Sketches construction: its rigour and its arbitrariness.  
  5. Specific cases: representation of forms with angled lines, circumferences and curves. 
  6. Introduction to shading and reflections construction.
  7. Landscape drawing elements. Line and tone values: relation with the depth idea.
  8. Practice applications in the making of sketches of built or designed buildings. Cromatic aspects. 
  9. Practice exercises of built buildings representation_1
  10. Practice exercises of built buildings representation_2
  11. Practice exercises of built buildings representation_3
  12. Practice exercises of built buildings representation_4


Basic bibliography

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von; Arnaldo, Javier. Teoría de los colores. Madrid: Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Archivos [etc.], 1992. ISBN 8460610128.

Schaarwächter, Georg. Perspectiva para arquitectos. Barcelona ; México: Gustavo Gili, DL 1969. ISBN 8425203031.

Martin, Judy; Massanés, Natividad; Orellana Carreño, Beatriz; Rodríguez Fischer, Cristina. Aprender a abocetar : temas, técnicas, aplicaciones. Barcelona: Naturart : Blume, 1994. ISBN 8480760974.

Thomae, Reiner. El Encuadre en la perspectiva. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1980. ISBN 8425209730.

Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. Experiencia de la arquitectura. Barcelona: Labor, cop. 1974. ISBN 8433572067.

Palmer, John. Dibujo. Madrid: Anaya, cop. 1993. ISBN 8481629588.

La Expresión Arquitectónica de la Casita del Príncipe de El Escorial a través del lenguaje gráfico: Cátedra de Dibujo Técnico Curso 81-82. Madrid: ETSAM, 1984.

Déribéré, Maurice. El Color en las actividades humanas. Madrid: Tecnos, 1963.

Pottmann, Helmut; Bentley, Daril; Hofer, Michael; Asperl, Andreas. Architectural geometry. Exton, PA: Bentley Institute Press, 2007. ISBN 9781934493045.

Villanueva Bartrina, Lluís. Perspectiva lineal: su relación con la fotografía. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1996. ISBN 8489636125.

Arnheim, Rudolf. Arte y percepción visual: psicología del arte creador: nueva versión. Madrid: Alianza, 1979. ISBN 8420670030.