Architectural Representation I - ETSAB
Architectural Representation I
- To interpret the architectural representation process by the analysis of a built architecture, but not allowed to visit, to achieve its understanding and, from this, represent it. The means for this are the graphic ones, using simultaneously handmade and computer-based proceedings.
- The subject propose, on one hand, to apply the handmade proceedings in the understanding process, and on the other hand, go in depth in the adaptation of the use of a CAD system in the architectural representation process.
- To know the traditional and computer-based representation systems usual in architecture, and the capacity of spatial synthesis that imply the use of this systems.
- To recognise and interpret the objects by represented images in axonometry, conical, plan, elevations and/or sections, and in the various three-dimensional computer-based formats.
- To control the objects in the space and its environment applying dimension, position and form analysis concepts.
- To use geometry as a synthesis model for analysis and objects generation.
- To manage the proposed data, structure it, elaborate it and value its results.
- To outline and structure systems and resolution methods of work strategies in graphic determination of objects and its metric and geometric control.
- To graphically control the influence of the natural and artificial environment in architectural spaces: Image (perception), energy (sun) and location (terrain).
- Representation of the project.
- Computer-aided design (CAD 2D).
- Cylindrical projection: 2D - Plans, sections, elevations.
- Application of digital technology in architectural representation.
- Presentation of architectural spaces and forms.
- Use of system's expressive resources for the intentional representation of work.
- Two-dimensional representation
- Concepts and properties of conical perspective, axonometry, plan and elevation representation.
- The perspective image: structure, perception and its relation with photography.
- Reading and comprehension of objects' representation. Understanding and synthesis of space.
- Three-dimensional representation and precision
- Positional and relational metrical control of objects in space.
- Data entrance and extraction in three-dimensional graphic systems.
- Basic geometry in space for objects generation: Distances, slopes and angles / Perpendicularity.
- Geometric transformation operation. Basic modification of entities by the edition of their parameters.
- Three-dimensional virtual models generation applying interactions between geometrical forms.
- Transformation and modification of forms for generation of new design and architecture elements. Formalisation strategies.
- Geometrical resources applied to specific themes for roof resolution, stairs drawing, spatial mesh generation, used surfaces creation in architecture.
- Graphic resources for sun control in architecture and urbanism.
- Application of free matrices for terrain models generation and its modification for architectural elements adaptation.
Basic bibliography
Delgado, Magali; Redondo, Ernest. Dibujo a mano alzada para arquitectos. Barcelona: Parramón, 2004. ISBN 9788434225497.
Sánchez, Juan Antonio. Geometría descriptiva: sistemas de proyección cilíndrica [en línia]. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1997
[Consulta: 22/09/2014]. Available at: ISBN 8483012219.
Villanueva, Lluís. Introducció al traçat d'ombres. Barcelona: Departament EGA I, UPC, 2001. ISBN 8495249111.
Villanueva, Lluís. Perspectiva lineal: su construcción y su relación con la fotografía. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 2001. ISBN 8483015013.
Villanueva, Lluís; Mestres, Jordi; Llabot, Mercè. Dibuix tècnic 2. Barcelona: Barcanova, 2003. ISBN 8448913515.
Steegmann, E.; Acebillo, J. Las Medidas en arquitectura. 2a ed. rev. y act. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2008. ISBN 9788425222375.
Zevi, B. Saber ver la arquitectura: ensayo sobre la interpretación espacial de la arquitectura. Barcelona: Ediciones Apóstrofe, 1998. ISBN 8445500805.
Galcerán, M.; Luque, M. J.; Ruiz, Mª I. Representación arquitectónica: elaboración de planos: AutoCAD 2012. Madrid: Delta Publicaciones, 2013. ISBN 9788415581277.
Foley, James D. Computer graphics: principles and practice. 2nd ed. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, 1996. ISBN 0201848406.
Ching, Francis D. K.; Juroszek, Steven P. Dibujo y proyecto. México D.F.: Gustavo Gili, 1999. ISBN 9688873659.
Izquierdo, Fernando. Geometría descriptiva superior y aplicada. 6a. ed. rev. Madrid, 2002. ISBN 849221094X.
Migliari, Riccardo. Fondamenti della rappresentazione geometrica e informatica de l'architettura. Roma: Kappa, 2000. ISBN 8878903566.
Monedero, Javier. Aplicaciones informáticas en arquitectura. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1999. ISBN 8483013282.
Sainz, Jorge; Valderrama, Fernando. Infografía y arquitectura: dibujo y proyecto asistidos. Madrid: Nerea, 1992. ISBN 8486763681.
Sanders, Ken. El Arquitecto digital: guía para utilizar (con sentido común) la tecnología informática en el ejercicio de la arquitectura. Madrid: Eunsa, 1998. ISBN 8431316160.
Schaarwächter, Georg. Perspectiva para arquitectos. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1969.
Schmidt Rudolph. Geometría descriptiva con figuras estereoscópicas. Barcelona: Reverté, 1983.
Thomae, Reiner. Perspectiva y axonometría. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1981.
Cabezas, Lino; Ortega, Luis F. Anàlisi gràfica i representació geomètrica. Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, 1999. ISBN 8483381192.
Engel, Heinrich. Sistemas de estructuras. Madrid: Blume, 1970.
Gheorghiu, Adrian; Dragomir, Virgil. Geometry of structural forms. Barcelona: Applied Science Publ., 1978.
Hohenberg, Fritz. Geometría constructiva aplicada a la técnica. Barcelona: Labor, 1970.
Pottmann, Helmut; Asperl, Andreas; Hofer, Michael. Architectural geometry. Exton PA: Bentley Institute Press, 2007. ISBN 9781934493045.